Organic chickens are kept in low-density stocking in woodlands, grasslands, orchards, farmland, barren hills, bamboo gardens and river beaches, and ecological breeding gardens, which are far away from noise, pollution, industry, and green ecology, allowing chickens to freely forage food, Tender grass, plants, rice, rice, artificial feed, artificial science with wild plants, high-protein foods, organic grains, nutritional meals, Chinese herbal medicines, as well as corn, rice, wheat and other miscellaneous grains and pumpkins, radishes, sweet potatoes and vegetables, Nutrition grass and other feeds, strictly limit the use of chemicals and feed additives, and prohibit any hormones and synthetic growth-promoting agents. Chickens drink natural mountain spring water. Growth in this natural state is guaranteed for more than 180 days. Due to the low density of chickens , The amount of activity is large, the energy consumption is large, the fat accumulation is small, and the inorganic salts absorbed due to stocking are also sufficient. Its bones and meat are firmer. The meat is fragrant, fresh, tender and smooth, with a strong chicken flavor. The flavor is unique. All vacuum packaging is supplied by the famous brand Butcher Shoppe in meat. I have eaten organic chicken wings in BBQ box A before. It fully meets the above-mentioned meat, fresh, tender, smooth, and rich in chicken flavor. 💰19/piece/1.5- about 2 pounds
Butcher Shoppe Organic Chicken